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Auto Accident Care at Natural Wellness Chiropractic

Chiropractic table in exam roomIn our no-fault state, you don’t have to feel concerned about getting the care you need after you’ve been involved in an auto accident. At Natural Wellness Chiropractic, you’ll be able to get the attention you need rather than waiting it out and hoping that your pain improves.

A Small Fender Bender Can Mean Serious Problems

If you don’t seek our care after a collision, the shape of your spine can permanently change. You’ll lose your spine’s natural curves, which irritates the nerves. In the longer term, you may experience biomechanical dysfunction that will lead to arthritis and degeneration.

Those who have been involved in an auto accident often complain of

  • Headaches
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Trouble sleeping

You don’t have to be traveling at high speeds to have issues occur. Studies show that you can be in a car going just five miles per hour and have damage to your body occur!

What to Expect

Please bring your auto insurance information in with you. If you went to a hospital after your accident, bring those records including diagnostics such as X-rays and MRIs. Your initial visit may take up to an hour and a half.

Auto accident victims can take longer to recover because the spine and the surrounding tissues have been injured. As we start to make corrections, your body can heal and reach its pre-injury state.

Get In Today!

Would you like to get immediate attention? We welcome emergency cases and have same-day visits available. Contact us today!

Auto Accident Care Cranberry TWP, Mars, Wexford, Zelionople, Freedom PA | (724) 776-0001