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Laser Therapy at Natural Wellness Chiropractic

illustration of a laser beam

A Safe, Non-Surgical Treatment

Laser therapy is a safe, topically applied pain-free treatment that only takes a few minutes per visit. Laser therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and there are no side effects of risks that may occur with other forms of treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster and better than other treatment modalities.

Here’s How the Diowave Works

By reducing inflammation and swelling, the patient will observe an increase in range of motion and reduction of pain. Injured areas can then avoid scar tissues and adhesions with an improved range of motion. The culmination of these reactions results in injured tissue returning to their healthy state with full strength and proper function.

The Technical Part

Photons of the laser light penetrate the skin and underlying tissue. Once the photons are absorbed by the cells and converted into energy, the cell membrane permeability is altered. This alteration causes the cell to stimulate ATP, increases DNA and RNA synthesis, and the respiratory chain is also stimulated. Along with these benefits, one also gets increased levels of beta-endorphins, serotonin, and enhanced collagen synthesis.

The Following Conditions Respond Well to Diowave Laser Treatments:

  • Arthritis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Wounds that won’t heal
  • Tendonitis
  • Neuropathies
  • Post-surgical pain and healing
  • And many more

Find Out More!

Contact our office today to schedule a consultation to see if laser therapy can help you! 724-776-0001

Laser Therapy Cranberry TWP | (724) 776-0001